Paul Gunter Realtor

Do You Need A Buyer’s Agent?  

Do You Need A Buyer's Agent

If you are looking to make your home-buying experience smooth with as little stress as possible, it may be time to consider hiring a buyer’s agent to help guide you through this process. Realtors in Bucks County and realtors in Montgomery County, PA will recommend a buying agent to those who are going through this process for the first time.

What is a Buyer’s Agent?

If you feel overwhelmed going through the home-buying or home-selling process, remember that professionals can assist you. A buyer’s agent is a professional guide that will work specifically in your interest as the homebuyer. They can walk you through the process, help you navigate the steps, and prepare you to make the purchase you’re considering. These professionals are seasoned veterans in the real estate industry and know the ins and outs of the process.

Before you sign your contract and agree to the terms of a pre-owned home, presale home, or new construction, they will review all documents and outline anything that does not match what was agreed upon. They will also notify you of anything they believe should be changed as a way to protect your best interest.

Do You Need a Buyer’s Agent?

A buyer’s agent is a valuable resource for those new to the home-buying process. They can negotiate on your behalf and have professional contacts throughout the industry, where you can be contacted when it is time to broker the mortgage, work with insurance professionals, and even contact inspectors who can help you with your home. A seasoned home buyer may not see the need for a buyer’s agent after several sales. Still, those unfamiliar with or easily overwhelmed should consider hiring a buyer’s agent.

A Buyer’s Agent is Ideal for New Construction

Whenever someone is considering purchasing a new construction home and buying a home that is being built, the stress of working with contractors, inspections, and meeting that closing date can be a lot to take on while continuing to work full-time. A buyer’s agent understands the values of the local homes and may even have experience with that particular builder and other homes that have been built.

Is There a Cost For a Buyer’s Agent?

Once your home sale is complete, you must pay your buyer’s agent for their consultation, and the work is completed during this time. In most cases, this is a percentage of the sale and is not related to the percentage paid to a separate realtor you may have hired during this process.

If you are looking for a Philadelphia County realtor or a Bucks County Realtor to help you with your next home-buying experience, contact Paul Gunter today to start the search of finding your dream home.

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